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Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

Snow            By:  Uri Shulevitz

Ages:  Toddler through First Grade


This is a perfect wintertime book!  Its simple text describes the first snowflake and takes us on a journey until the entire city is covered with snow.  It illuminates the joy that children feel when it begins to snow.  The pictures are beautiful and add to this lovely story.




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Dream Snow

Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

Dream Snow            By:  Eric Carle

Ages:  Toddlers through First Grade


Eric Carle’s Dream Snow is a beautiful addition to your Christmas book collection.  In our story, the farmer dreams that he and his animals are covered in a blanket of snow.  When he wakes up, there was snow on the ground.  He immediately went to work preparing for Christmas as his farm animals watched.  Children will love the overlay sheets throughout the book and the button to push at the very end.




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Peef: The Christmas Bear

Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

Peef: The Christmas Bear            By:  Tom Hegg            Illustrated by:  Warren Hanson

Ages:  First Grade through Adult


There are some children’s books that also become adult favorites.  Peef  is one of those books due to its heartfelt story.  Santa created his Christmas bear from pieces of cloth collected by the elves.  He placed a little button in the bears tummy that made him go “peef” when pushed.  Peef became Santa’s best friend and traveled with him every Christmas eve.  This beautiful story tells how Santa gave the ultimate gift.  It is a must read at Christmas time, but you may need a box of tissue close by.



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Bear Stays Up For Christmas

Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

Bear Stays Up For Christmas            By:  Karma Wilson            Illustrated by:  Jane Chapman

Ages:  Preschool through Second Grade


Bear is always sleeping through Christmas, but his dear forest friends decide that he must stay awake to enjoy the festivities.  Although it is very hard to keep his eyes open, he does, and even finds the opportunity to thank his friends with a Christmas surprise.  This is a beautiful book and a great story for this holiday season.





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5 More Sleeps ‘Til Christmas

Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

5 Sleeps ‘Til Christmas            By:  Jimmy Fallon           Illustrated by:  Rich Deas

Ages:  Preschool through Second Grade



Many celebrities write children’s books of all kinds, but Jimmy Fallon knocked this Christmas story out of the park.  The words and pictures exemplify just how young children might feel five sleeps before Christmas.  The illustrations are extraordinary and it is written in rhyming verse.  This is a Christmas “must” read!





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10 Fat Turkeys

Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

10 Fat Turkeys           By:  Tony Johnston               Illustrated by:  Rich Deas

Ages:  Toddlers through First Grade


This is a fun counting book for young children.  It starts with ten turkeys on a fence and counts down until all of the turkeys are gone.  The turkeys in our story are hilarious and children will enjoy the descriptive language and matching illustrations.  Just enjoy the rhythm of the story.





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How to Catch a Turkey

Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

How to Catch a Turkey            By:  Adam Wallace            Illustrated by:  Andy Elkerton

Ages:  Preschool through Second Grade


This fun book is perfect to begin the Thanksgiving season.  The turkey in our story is part of the school’s Thanksgiving program, but he gets stage fright and tries to escape.  After being chased throughout the school, he returns to the stage and becomes the star.  The book is done in rhyming verse and the illustrations are amazing.






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Duck at the Door

Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

Duck at the Door            By:  Jackie Urbanovic


We have already presented to you the wonderful book, “Duck Soup”.  Well, this story tells us how Max, the duck, came to live with Irene and her friends.  Poor Max made the bad decision to stay back, as his flock flew south for the winter.  Fortunately, Irene decided to take him out of the cold.  However, it took awhile for Irene and her friends to adjust to their new family member.  This is such a fun book and you will fall in love with Max.




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The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything

Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You’re giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything            By:  Linda Williams            Illustrated by:  Megan Lloyd

Ages:  Pre-School through Second Grade


This is such a fun book and perfect to read to children on the night before Halloween.  The little old lady was not afraid of anything.  One evening, she is put to the test as she is walking home and it is starting to get dark.   In the end, all of the scary things that she encountered came together and everything worked out just as it should.  This is a great book for letting children predict what they think is going to happen next.  A must read for Halloween.




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Dear Reader,

This Blog is designed for the parents, grandparents and caregivers of young children.  Each post will highlight a great book that all children should hear, with tips to enrich beginning reading skills.  You will also find fun recipes that go along with each story.  Enjoy reading and cooking with the children in your life.

*Read to the children in your life every day.  You are giving them a gift that will last a lifetime!

Stumpkin            By:  Lucy Ruth Cummins

Ages:  Preschool through Second Grade


Stumpkin was one of many pumpkins in the store window, waiting to be picked to become a jack-o-lantern.   Even though he was a perfectly shaped pumpkin, unfortunately, he didn’t have a stem.  Halloween finally came and Stumpkin was the only pumpkin left.  Don’t worry, this story has a very happy ending and is a truly beautiful book.  Please don’t miss this one!




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