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Patty’s Top 10 Posted Read Alouds

Dear Reader,

What are my top 10 books from the ones that we have highlighted in our books and Blog?  That’s a difficult question.  I like all of the books for various reasons.  Some of them I enjoy because of the beautiful language; others for their outstanding illustrations; some because they can be used to reinforce the many values that we teach our children; and still others because they are just fun stories to share with a child snuggled close to you.  So with those thoughts floating through my mind, I have decided on my personal top 10 books:

Book #10 




Click, Clack, Moo:  Cows That Type is a humorous story about cows negotiating with the farmer for blankets to keep them warm.




Book #9




Enemy Pie is a delightful story about the difficulties and rewards of making a new friend.





Book #8




Cookies, Bite-Size Life Lessons helps teach life lessons through the process of baking and sharing cookies.





Book #7




Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? is a perfect read aloud to expose children to repetitive text and reinforce color recognition.





Book #6




My Truck is Stuck is a funny book to share.  It shows how working together can help to solve problems.



Book #5




Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Farm tells the story of how cow, pig and duck run away to find a better place to live , only to discover that home was the best place to be.




Book #4




Ricky, The Rock That Couldn’t Roll is a story of true friendship and problem solving together.





Book #3




The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear has outstanding illustrations that allow children to make predictions and keep them guessing about who gets to eat the strawberry.




Book #2




Don’t Laugh Joe is a funny book about a Mother Possum’s attempt to teach her son to play dead.





Book #1



The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a beautifully illustrated book that shows the life cycle of the butterfly and also reinforces counting and the days of the week.

2 thoughts on “Patty’s Top 10 Posted Read Alouds

  1. Get choice of books. Some of these I’ve never heard of but it made want to look for them.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne. Great to hear from you.

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